In the midst of one of the most tumultuous periods in the history of this state, in response to growing interest in California becoming independent from the United States, and possibly even reuniting with her two fellow California states in Mexico, three California residents have formed a political action committee to “Advocate for and Promote the Independence of California.”

The new organization, “California Liberation Movement Political Action Committee” (CALM-PAC), has been recognized by the California Secretary of State and granted the right to raise funds from the public to participate in electoral campaigns and ballot initiative contests. In addition, “CALM-PAC” will conduct an active public education campaign to organize Californians, including more than nine million Californians over age 18 who support independence for California now, to prepare for independence and world leadership, since independence from the United States is not an alternative that is safe to reject.
CALM-PAC compares independence for California to escape a sinking ship by boarding a lifeboat. “Critics, especially those outside our state, have attacked California independence,” said CALM-PAC Executive and Legal Director Hannah Miyamoto, “as though we will have another option.” Yet seemingly every week warns Miyamoto, another prominent commentator warns that Trump may not respect the 2020 election results if he is defeated, or the Republicans will invoke the 12th Amendment, thus allowing Trump to remain president regardless of the voters. In such a situation, she continued, “The only alternative to California seeking independence with the support of U.S. democratic allies will be submitted to tyranny by an unelected dictatorship.”
The name, “California Liberation Movement” was chosen to remind people that California did not enter the United States consensually, but only after the United States brutally invaded and occupied us in 1846 when we had been free from Mexico for over a year. As the first true American colony, California is entitled under international law to restore her independence and become a full member of the international community.
CALM-PAC is organized and operates from San Luis Rey, California. Its principal officers are Hannah Miyamoto of Oceanside, California, Hal Lohr of Long Beach, California, and Marcus Ruiz Evans of Fresno, California. The organization’s bilingual website address is Contributions must be made consistent with applicable laws.
