The highest percentage of corruption experiences was estimated in contact with public security authorities with 59.2% of cases.
The Inegi National Government Impact Quality Survey revealed that victims of acts of corruption in the provision of basic services grew 7.5% between 2017 and 2019.
This indicator indicated that the prevalence rate of corruption went from 14,635 victims for every 100,000 inhabitants in 2017 to 15,732 in 2019.
The highest percentage of corruption experiences was estimated in contact with public security authorities with 59.2% of cases; followed by the procedures related to land use, demolition or construction permits, requests for proof of freedom of encumbrance or other procedures in the Public Registry of Property with 25 percent.
The total cost in 2019 as a result of corruption in carrying out procedures or requests for public services and other contacts with the authority was $ 12,770 million, equivalent to $ 3,822 per affected person ; the highest cost came from educational procedures.
The Inegi survey also revealed that citizens’ trust in the federal government doubled, which placed it above the other two levels of government, the state, and the municipal.
Corruption is down said AMLO

President Andrés Manuel López Obrador accepted that acts of corruption still occur “below”.
“There is also something of that, that we go from top to bottom, as the stairs are swept down and there is still extortion and local governments that still do not understand that this has already changed, even though it sent them messages advising them: situation changed, zero corruption, zero impunity, be careful not to end up in jail. I send them the messages, but sometimes they listen to me, the most important thing is to avoid corruption, ”he said.
The Mazatlan Post