The municipality of Loreto is in a critical situation regarding the use of its water resources due to a conflict with Fonatur and the owners of the property where the Wells where the water is extracted are located.
For this situation, the PAN deputy, José Luis Perpuli Drew, sent letters to the holders of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP), Federal Electricity Commission CFE) and the National Tourism Fund (Fonatur), as well as the State Government, asking to solve the problem in the supply of drinking water since, compared to other municipalities, Loreto does have enough water.
The legislator pointed out that due to a Fonatur decision, he will no longer be in charge of the operation and maintenance of the San Juan Londó Aqueduct, due to the budget cut he suffered and which brought about this affectation.
“As a result of the 70% budget cut in Fonatur, the project of the Tres Maya, announced to the Loreto city council that it will no longer pay for the electricity supply of the wells that supply water to the municipal seat of Loreto, together to the legal litigation or controversy between Fonatur and the ranch where the Wells are, a legal and financial conflict to have water was applauded ”, he pointed out.
Perpulli Drew, emphasized that he will be attentive to the follow-up provided by these authorities.
He said that from his role as a legislator he will help with efforts to solve this problem, which due to its complexity, requires the participation of the authorities of the three levels of government and the population.