La Paz BCS registers 6 times more pollution than the national trend

In 2020, out of 234 days monitored in La Paz, 120 days the air quality exceeded the Official Mexican Health Standards, revealed Jaqueline Valenzuela Meza before the Early Bird Group of Los Cabos

It is in the city of La Paz where the greatest pollution from electric power generation is concentrated at 72 percent, of this percentage is 43 percent from fixed sources, that is, still 6 times more than the national trend, as he warned Dr. Jaqueline Valenzuela Meza, director of the Center for Renewable Energy and Environmental Quality ( Cerca ).

In his presentation at the virtual meeting of the Grupo Madrugadores de Los Cabos, he said that the emission of pollution is a worrying problem, mainly in the municipalities where the installed electricity capacity is concentrated, which is in La Paz and Comondú, but much more in the capital city. 

He mentioned that this information has been documented with technical data and public research, and among the actions he has taken to try to combat this problem, the gathering of more than 60 thousand signatures from citizens who have opposed contamination.

He reiterated that they currently operate in La Paz with a monitoring car, that we are in a donation contract with the global data company, it is a car that monitors pollution in La Paz 24 hours, on a par with this in Cerca from the In 2018 we have been concerned with developing low-cost air quality devices, this has resulted in 2020 in contaminated days of 234 days monitored in La Paz 120 days exceed the official Mexican health standards.

That is, there is a regulation for each pollutant where a permissible limit is imposed because from that limit it is assumed that the population is exposed, it is a risk to health, therefore constant monitoring; In three months of contamination that took place in 2020, where the Mexican standards were exceeded and the other days, unfortunately, even the WHO recommendations are exceeded, which is why we are talking about a problem of exposure to the population.

He highlighted that the characteristic that Baja California Sur has is a greater cause of morbidity due to acute respiratory diseases, with 53 percent, this figure is striking because it does not follow the national trend, that is, the first disease in any state is these ailments.

Therefore, it is concluded that these are indications of the serious pollution problem that is being generated by the energy situation and the electrical system in Baja California Sur.


The Cabo Post