The regularization of vehicles known as “chocolate cars” in Baja California Sur has reached a total of 35,000 units, according to the state’s Finance Minister, Bertha Montaño Cota. The figures have remained stable in recent weeks, without registering a significant increase in the number of regularized cars.
In an interview, Montaño Cota explained that the regularization process has shown a uniform behavior. “It has been maintained, with very standardized numbers, there has not been a significant flow of vehicles that are being regularized,” she said.
Although the Finance Secretariat is not involved in border surveillance, Montaño Cota clarified that she has no information about possible operations or checkpoints to prevent the entry of new irregular cars into the state. “That is federal protection,” she said when asked about the subject.
The regularization program for chocolate cars seeks to formalize the situation of vehicles of foreign origin that do not have the necessary documents to circulate legally in the country. This process is part of a federal initiative that has been implemented in several entities of the country.
It is worth mentioning that the regularization program was extended for 2 years, when the Directorate of Public Vehicle Registry (REPUVE) announced that it would remain in effect until September 30, 2026, in September they assured that they had more than 37,000 foreign vehicles with their papers in order.
Source: bcsnoticias