Entrepreneurs from Los Cabos, targets of extortion on social media

Concern is growing among local entrepreneurs who use social media, such as Facebook, to promote their products and services, as cases of extortion calls have recently been reported. The modus operandi of criminals consists of identifying themselves as members of a criminal group to demand “payments” from vendors who advertise their businesses in neighborhood groups.

This problem was evident in a neighborhood group where a user reported an attempt at intimidation after publishing an advertisement to sell food. Subsequently, several entrepreneurs confirmed having experienced similar situations when promoting their businesses on social media.

In the intimidating calls and messages, the extortionists pose as members of criminal organizations, demanding payments under the concept of “payments” to allow them to operate without retaliation.

According to the latest update from the Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System (SESNSP), corresponding to the period from January to November 2024, Los Cabos concentrated 44.5% of the extortion complaints in Baja California Sur, with a total of 89 open investigation files.

For its part, the Baja California Sur State Cyber ​​Police issued recommendations in response to multiple reports of telephone numbers linked to extortion activities. Among the main suggestions are being cautious when sharing personal information and avoiding making deposits or transfers to strangers.

Extorsionadores exigen “cobros de plaza” a emprendedores en Los Cabos.

Source: tribunademexico