On Sunday the Ciclovía of Cabo San Lucas returns

Healthy distance and face mask for the return this Sunday, March 21, 2021

Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur.- XIII Authorities. Los Cabos City Council gave the go-ahead for the Ciclovía Recreativa de Cabo San Lucas to return to operation. In the framework of the eleventh anniversary, the citizen project returns to the tourist area, after a year off.

The Covid-19 Pandemic limited the sports program that blocks the highway, the Lázaro Cárdenas boulevard for four hours a week. Mario Meave, director of the Ciclovía Recreativa de Cabo San Lucas, thanked the authorities for their consent, considering that the bikeway encourages physical and sports activity outdoors, being safe as long as the healthy distance is respected. 

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“Thanks to the consent of the authorities and the voice of the Municipal President Lorena Cortés authorizing the recreational bicycle lane for us, they are mixed emotions, it is the word we have always wanted to hear from municipal authority. If the highest authority authorizes it, we open the Ciclovía Recreativa de CSL, we celebrate it a lot ”.

It will be next Sunday, March 21, 2021, when the Ciclovía Recreativa de Cabo San Lucas returns to operate at its usual schedule from 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Attendees will have to wear face masks. 

“After a year, we are grateful because it is important, and the citizenship demanded us through social networks to open the bike path but it was not in me, we only addressed the commitment, but the authorization is in charge of the authorities. Now we feel protected, we can say that this Sunday, March 21, 2021, we have a recreational bicycle lane after a year ”.

Source: loscabosreport.mx

The Cabo Post