Baja Off Road activities are expected to grow in 2022


In an interview with this medium, Cipriano Peralta, president of the State Association of Motorists, declared that the Baja Mil ignites the motors of the automotive sector, which looks to 2022 with high expectations, as it is expected that the next year will achieve the reactivation of the Off-Road in BCS.

Baja Ride Off Road Adventures , San José del Cabo (Baja California Sur) 2021

He expressed that extreme sport means a spill of millions of pesos for the entity, directly and indirectly; It is worth mentioning that events of this type project the state and its natural attractions.

Baja California from Cabo San Lucas ATV Tour 2021 - Los Cabos - Viator

He shared that recently, the association he heads met with Governor Víctor Castro, who received them openly, to listen to their concerns and projects, something that had not happened in other administrations. 

Cipriano Peralta

Cipriano Peralta took the opportunity to announce that the Mobile Grand Prix is already planned for November 6 and 7, in San José del Cabo, an event that will undoubtedly be positive for the sector and that does not stop contemplating sanitary measures corresponding to prevent infections by Covid-19.

Recorridos de la Coyote 300 - El Sudcaliforniano | Noticias Locales,  Policiacas, sobre México, Baja California Sur y el Mundo

Finally, he expressed that the break in the Off-Road has been complicated, but the activity is expected to grow next year and bring benefits for everyone, hoteliers, souvenir shops, and all the economic sectors involved; the goal now is to work together, he added.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'G8L speciales!! BCSnosUNE Gobiernode Baja California Sur XIVAYUNTAMIENTO OSCABOSB.C.S. BAVACALIFORNIASUR PFBAJA iP remios #10,000.00 que presenten todas aquellas categorías de automovilismo mínimo de 10 vehículos en parrilla desalida രാเหാ repartir entre todas las motociclismo. HOMENAJE Grande Mobil GRAND PRIX 20리 Un FRANCISCO PISTA "LoCO" SANDOVAL "CHICO" SAN JOSE DEL CABo 6-7 **Uso de cubreboca obligatorio, recomienda distancia uso gel antibacterial. NOV VILLAGÓMEZ Nada!! Todo Mobil'


The Cabo Post