Profepa investigates the death of sea lions on the shores of Baja California Sur

Through a statement this weekend, the Federal Attorney for Environmental Protection (Profepa) reported that it is investigating the causes of death of 137 sea lions, stranded along the Pacific coast of BCS, from Playa San Lázaro in the municipality from Comondú, to the so-called Bahía de Ulloa further north.

This in response to the call from Conanap on September 4 when the case was reported, activating the Protocol of Attention for Stranding Marine Mammals.

Once the attorney general’s office was notified, state and central office personnel made a beach tour of approximately 130 km, where 137 corpses of sea lions were recorded being a female and the rest male. 

Mueren 137 lobos marinos en BCS: Profepa

In the preliminary observations, the mammals did not present marks caused by nets, blows, or cuts caused by some type of boat. Currently, histopathological, toxicological, and bacteriological analyzes are being carried out in different laboratories, with samples of brain, lung, heart, liver, kidney, and body fat that were taken in places of movement. 

Baja California Sur: encuentran 137 lobos marinos muertos

The purpose is to determine the possible causes of death and avoid speculation, in addition to knowing the measures that must be taken to protect the species and its ecosystem.


Baja California Post