Our cove and bay have been continuously attacked by the current development model of the city, which habitually disregards our ecological environment. In addition to regularly receiving sewage and treated water, each rainy season the cove receives a large amount of water and polluting runoff from the city streets.
On the other hand, urban growth continually depredates its mangroves, but the greatest and acute effects come from dredging for the construction of new marinas and docks. In the last dredging carried out by SEMAR, between 2017 and 2019, the death of more than 100 individuals of turtles and dolphins was registered. Of the latter, it is known that the tursion dolphin uses the cove as a breeding and feeding area and are affected not only by the pollution generated by removing the seabed, but also by the noise of the dredge that interferes with its navigation and communication system. producing lethal strandings. Dredging can also affect the many marine species that use mangroves for their reproduction and development,
In addition to the serious effects already mentioned, the dredging has seriously damaged the crops of ax callus and other species cultivated by the fishermen of the OPRE (Organization of Fishermen Rescuing the Ensenada) in the Manglito. This organization has been developing a project for the sowing and exploitation of commercial species of bivalves such as scallops, mussels and others for more than three years, as well as local tourism, for which it has a 20-year concession of about half of the surface of the cove. OPRE not only uses this body of water as sustenance, but also works actively for its protection and recovery, even carrying out the planting of mangroves.
We are alarmed by the latest statements by C. José López Soto, Director of API-BCS, in relation to the opening of two new marinas: one within Ensenada and the other in Pichilingue, in addition to those announced in the initial Mogote projects , in the Paraíso del Mar complex, and ENTREMARES, which, although they were legally detained at the time, it seems that the former has already been reactivated. It should be mentioned that these authorizations issued by the DGIRA of SEMARNAT violate the international agreements on the two Ramsar Sites: “Mogote-Ensenada de La Paz Wetlands”, and “Balandra” in the Bay of the same name, as well as the protection of the marine fauna that includes dolphins, whale shark, sea turtles and mantas among others, through NOM-059-Semarnat-2010.
It is worth mentioning that the members of the CAS participated in the public consultation of the Environmental Impact Statement (MIA) for the “Dredging Project, Construction of a Dock, Rehabilitation of Embankments and Launch Ramp at“ El Manglito ”Beach, La Peace BCS ”. In said consultation, we pointed out the risks that such dredging would imply, which were confirmed by the environmental authorities of CONANP and the Department of Ecology of the Municipality of La Paz.
However, the DGIRA ignored the indications and in February 2020 the project’s MIA was approved, only now it also includes the construction of a marina at the end of 5 de Febrero Street. Another strong and imminent threat is the possible installation of desalination plants in the cove and in the bay to alleviate the very serious water stress of our aquifer, which has already been announced by CONAGUA and the mayor of La Paz. All as a consequence of the old neglect of the aquifer and the irrepressible growth of the city.
As a whole, the foregoing indicates that the future of Ensenada and Bahía de La Paz is at very high risk and we want to express our concern to both the Peceño society and its authorities at the local level, but also at the state and federal level who do not They should allow this ecocide.
Colectivo de Académicos Sudcalifornianos (CAS)
[email protected]
Source: colectivopericu.net