They propose creating differentiated brands for Cabo San Lucas, San José del Cabo and Cabo del Este. What do hoteliers think?

The Association of Professionals and Business Leaders of Los Cabos, together with 25 groups and authorities from the three levels of government, presented a project to remodel the tourist areas and create a new brand to identify Cabo San Lucas, San José del Cabo and Cabo del Este.

Lilzi Orcí Fregoso, president of the Association of Hotels of Los Cabos, stated in an interview that, although independent efforts are made for each sub-destination, the national and international image of the region is presented under the single brand of Los Cabos.

“This has been attempted for years, suddenly we are all Los Cabos. We must give relevance to each of the sub-destinations that are in Los Cabos; from our perspective it is Los Cabos and Los Cabos has a tourist circuit, each one has different segments. If independent efforts are to be managed, each Cabo has its own thing, but without leaving the big screen that is Los Cabos.”
The Los Cabos Hotel Association highlighted that the promotion of the Los Cabos brand is carried out through the Los Cabos Tourism Trust (Fiturca) and emphasized the importance of maintaining this strategy. However, it recognized that the proposals of the businessmen are valuable and could contribute to a better promotion of the destination.

“In this way, the destination brand is also promoted through the Los Cabos Tourism Trust, and that should be maintained. However, the initiatives to complement Los Cabos with its sub-destinations are very good.”
The Association of Professionals and Business Leaders of Los Cabos presented a project that includes improvements in the urban image of the tourist areas and new promotional strategies. This plan is estimated to have an investment of around two billion pesos.

Source: tribunademexico