Cabo San Lucas, Baja California Sur. In recent weeks, a series of modifications and
adjustments to various municipal regulations was announced by the Los Cabos City
Council. One of them is the Traffic and Highway Regulations, where it was reported that
some fines will be increased in order that motorists really respect the road guidelines.
In an interview, Israel López Martínez, who is the Sixth Councilor of the XIII City Council
of Los Cabos, pointed out that, after analysis with the Security Table and the Legal
Department of Public Security, it was concluded not to prohibit the use of tinted windows in
vehicles. According to current regulations, 35 percent tint is authorized, which
must allow visibility from outside to inside, what will be done is to raise the price of the
López Martínez pointed out that, according to the security parameters, tinted windows can
be a detrimental factor, which is why, through the regulation, it is sought not to be used
darker than what is allowed.
“We are working on modifying the Traffic Regulations for the tinted windows. In 2020 we are
working with the Security Board and the Security Legal, this has to do with the issue of
the perception of security.
They should be at 35 percent visibility. We can have that thickness and visibility,
according to article 81 of the Regulation. We are not going to move 35 percent or that it
cannot be polarized, because we understand the heat and conditions in Los Cabos, what
we are going to move is the fine, ”explained Israel López Martínez.
He regretted that citizens who have tinted vehicles, with a tint greater than that allowed,
prefer to pay the fine, which is around 160 pesos, than to respect the tint allowed at 35
“We are going to increase the fines because it is only in three UMAs, which is just over
160 pesos and that, people say that it is cheaper to pay the fine, than to remove the tint
from the vehicle. We will continue with the 35 percent polarized, “added the councilor.