Mayor announces cancellation of Carnival La Paz 2022

The mayor of La Paz, Milena Quiroga Romero, announced this morning that Carnival 2022 is canceled by unanimous decision. The president argued that this determination is made with the purpose of not risking the progress that has been made in reducing Covid infections -19.

“We have just two weeks on the green traffic light, the December holidays come, Day of the Dead and they are crowds and we do not want to put at risk this great step that we have taken as a population and put at risk the green traffic light that opens the economy in different points, ”he said.

He mentioned that they prepare activities to compensate for the cancellation of Carnival, to promote culture and recreation, but on a smaller scale, in the colonies of the capital city.

Likewise, he stated that there will be the coronation of the queen and the corresponding ceremony, however, the realization of the traditional Facade and Fantasy Festival will be considered later.

In the dialogue between members of the Carnival Committee, the proposal to carry out the allegorical parade arose, however, this was discarded because the objective of the La Paz City Council is to avoid massive crowds.

Finally, the mayor assured that they will make efforts so that Carnival 2023 does take place, with the hope that coronavirus infections will continue to decline.


The Cabo Post