Cruise ships no longer fit in the ports of Los Cabos, La Paz, Puerto Vallarta, Ensenada, Mazatlán


Mexico Pacific ports need to modernize in port infrastructure to stay competitive

Arturo Mussi Ganem, president of the Mexican Cruise Association and representative of the cruise lines, said that the country’s ports need to modernize their infrastructure because they are becoming too “small” and may lose competitiveness in the market, since the People who travel by boat look for new boats, which are bigger today.

Statements were released on the comments of the general director of the Integral Port Administration (API) who said that authorities seek to bring more cruise ships to the different ports of the Mexican Pacific and in this way encourage nautical tourism.

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Puerto Vallarta

“The anger and the urgency today is to modernize the ports, the new and commissioned ships no longer fit in the Pacific ports, so if the infrastructure of the ports is not updated no matter how much they do, say and get together , a large ship will not be able to reach the port, what is urgent is to see what is needed, that is, to have their plans and projects to be able to modernize the ports, if they do not do so, they can lose arrivals”. 

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He added that in the case of Cabo San Lucas, if 4 boats appear simultaneously with 3,500 passengers for each boat, the question arises about how it will be handled, especially considering the difficulty that prevails today, in the absence of a dock and that all landings have to be by means of boats called tenders, even though they have mini docks, a situation that occurs in other ports in the country.

“The challenge is very big for all the ports, from Vallarta, where 3 ships do not fit in their port, neither in Mazatlán and Ensenada, so the ports are limited, only the old ships will arrive in the country and not the latest generation , leaving Mexico out of market competition”. 

La Paz

He also said that, in the case of La Paz, Baja California Sur, there is a company that comes to the Pacific, which is Carnival with its Panorama ship periodically arriving in Cabo San Lucas and in which representatives of the shipping line have expressed their interest. to get to the state capital 2 to 3 times a year and he can’t, because he doesn’t fit.

“The Majestic Princess that arrives in Cabo and has wanted to go to La Paz, cannot and that will happen with the big ships, it does not mean that they are the only ones that are going to come, of course they will continue arriving, but the people of the The market is looking for new ships, the number one attraction, so shipping companies want to put their ships on routes that are good, such as the Mexican Riviera”.

Regresan cruceros turísticos a Ensenada

He concluded by saying that investment is required to modernize the Pacific ports of Mexico so that cruise ships can continue arriving, especially the new ones that are the most attractive in the market.

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