Magical town but without electricity: Todos Santos reports up to 6 daily blackouts in the area 

 Inhabitants of the town ask the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) to address this problem that worsens in summer. 

They fear losing their electrical appliances. Since Sunday, July 9, there have been blackouts 

Summer came accompanied by blackouts in La Paz, Baja California Sur. The most affected area is the Pueblo Mágico de Todos Santos, where there have been 3 to 12 power outages from Sunday, July 9 to Tuesday, July 11. 

Francisco Javier Salgado Agúndez, delegate of this community, pointed out that every rainy season the Magical Town is affected by blackouts, they attribute this problem to the rainfall that is registered near the area. 

     “This time it has been unusual since at times it collapses every half hour and is restored instantly. We think that it is caused by the rains that are close to the town, the other possibility is that we have an underground power line in this area and it could be that this power line presents problems”. 

The cuts in electricity have been sectorized in the community, there are areas of the town that have registered 3 to 5 blackouts, other places have been more affected since they have registered up to 12 cuts in the last days, a situation that annoys them and remains uncertain about the possibility that these blackouts cause damage to their electrical equipment. 

The latest statement from the Federal Electricity Commission to report on the installed capacity that it will have for this summer season, reports that the maximum demand of 635 MW has not been exceeded, even they still have a 10% reserve margin, however, Blackouts continue to occur and the causes are unknown. 

Source: Radio Formula