Citizens of Los Cabos Report Alleged Scam; Foreigners Sell Counterfeit Luxury Clothing

Through this complaint, they seek to warn the people of Los Cabos and BCS not to fall for this scam, where counterfeit clothing is sold.

Los Cabos, Baja California Sur (BCS). Through social media, citizens of Los Cabos are reporting that supposed Italians are selling luxury clothing at better prices; however, it turns out to be counterfeit merchandise, so they are asking the population to be careful with this type of scam.

They detail that it was in the vicinity of Home Depot, between 16:00 and 17:00 hours on Friday, March 22, that some supposed Italians approached an adult, driving a rental car and claiming they were returning to their country, but that they were charged a lot for luggage, so they were looking to sell the merchandise.

“They approach you saying that they come from Italy, that they supply clothing to the Liverpool store, and they show you jackets from the brand EMPORIO ITALIA COLEZZION and that they have to go to the airport and that they are charged a lot for luggage, so they offer you the merchandise,” detailed the complainant.

In this particular case, the defrauded person was offered 4 jackets for 10,000 pesos, and they also show a fake page where they claim that each garment costs about 15,000 to 25,000 pesos and do everything to convince you to buy.

They assure that the clothing is not original and that they researched on the Internet about this case, realizing that it has occurred in other states for 8 years, but it is just now happening in the municipality of Los Cabos.

“We were investigating on Google and it appeared that they have been scamming like this since 2016. But it seems that here in Los Cabos they are just arriving,” they pointed out.

Source: BCS Noticias